Wednesday, June 30, 2010

The Journey Begins

Everything seems ready to go...

The checklist is covered with ink, notes to self and don't-forget's. The bus is clean, fueled, the air-conditioning checked. Maps are current, all directions printed out... I guess we're ready!

The real question, however, is "ready for what?"

After months of planning, we are heading West! Twenty-three sojourners, stuffed into a bus, ready to roll up their sleeves for the sake of loving another culture! And though we travel to a destination - the Navajo Reservation - we have decided to not live to the destination, but rather in the destination. Opportunities abound all around us, chances to share our love for a broken world. Will we seize those opportunities? Or let them slide right past us?

Pray for us! Pray that we travel safe, travel well... but pray that we open our eyes to this world - whether it be the Navajo nation or the people we meet along the way. Pray that we learn to love each other, that we not just tolerate each other but eventually rejoice in our differences!

We will try to maintain this blog on a daily basis, as our journey takes us along the southern stretch of united States, from Marietta, Georgia to Dilkon, Arizona!

Keep watching, reading, praying!

God bless...



  1. I'm so excited for you all! I pray you have a safe trip. Have fun and let the Holy Spirit touch each of you with all that you will experience. God Bless your travels! Sharon

  2. Looking forward to hearing about the opportunities to share that God will place in your lives on this trip. I'm quite sure it will come in unexpected ways and I will be praying for your safety and success.


  3. Blessed be the Lord, in Him we trust! They travel united in Your presence, secure that bond of brotherhood. As they gaze upon the beauty of Your creation may they see the beauty of the Lord. Focus their eyes to see those in the world around them through a kingdom lens. Open their ears and hearts to every opportunity. Shepherd them as only You can. In Christ, our gracious Lord, Amen.

  4. Day 2

    Great is the Lord! We rejoice in You for Your gracious gifts, Father. Lead the Navajo group in the paths of Your steadfast love and faithfulness -- forever to praise Your wonderful Name. Arise, awaken within them and teach them a new song of Your glory to sing today. Thanks for our family church at Pleasant Valley, bless those at Hillcrest. Go behind and before, onward to Abilene.

  5. Day 3

    Bless our awesome God for His marvelous deeds and abundant grace! Bless Your Body that travels on that bus with hearts of disciples and attitudes of Christ. May they rejoice in Your salvation and share it this day with a hungry world. May the whole earth be filled with Your glory, seen with fresh eyes, and spoken with bold tongues. Move them, Lord, inward and onward to Roswell. In Christ, Amen.

  6. Day 4

    Glorious are You, Lord, full of wonder and worthy of praise! May the group draw near in awe and reflect Your beauty and love. Fill them to overflowing to bless those around them. Give strength to Your servants, JD, Kenneth, Stephanie, Karen, Kelechi, and Anna. Bless the group with peace as they travel this long day to Az.

  7. Day 5

    This Lord's day may Your Son be formed in them; glorified through them. May they bear witness to what You have done in their lives in their worship today. May they seek after truth and righteousness and may Christ reign eternal in their lives. Bless their fellowship with others. In Christ Holy Name, Amen.

  8. Day 6

    Almighty God; Lead this team by Your Spirit into all holiness. Breathe through them this day. Grant success to the work of their hands.

  9. Praying for you all. JD, I think you started a tradition with blowing the tires on the trailer. It reminds me of my youth trips (in Michigan). Almost every time we went on an overnight trip one of 2 of our vans broke down. Amazing the time we spent on the side of the road or at a gas station was still fun. Stay safe. Can't wait to read more... Sharon

  10. Day 7

    Masterful Creator God; Let the favor of the Lord rest upon this group, to joyfuly, admirably complete their acts of faith. Fill them with the measure of all fullness of You that they might share Your agape love. Use them for Your glory and for the sake of Your Name.

  11. Day 7

    Masterful Creator, I come before You praising You and giving thanks for Your blessings upon this mission. Work powerfully through each member of the team. Fill them to the measure of all fullness of You, to share Your agape love and to serve joyfully and admirably. Use them for Your glory and the sake of Your Name.

  12. ooops! - please forgive the duplicate. I didn't think my prayer had posted so I made another attempt to replicate, then couldn't remember exactly what I had prayed. May God be praised for His patience!

  13. Day 8

    All honor to You, God. Be that Shield about these eastbound Sojourners. Accomplish Your will through them, leave nothing undone. Be their shade in the day, their light at evening time. Guide them in Your way and Your blessed truth. Bless their waiting families with faith, trusting our Deliverer to bring them home.

  14. Day 9

    Righteous are You, O Lord, and gracious according to Your promises! I pray each one will enjoy You this day. That they will have eyes to see and a heart to respond to every opportunity You lay before them today. Grow them in their faith and love for You. Use their actions to bring notice from onlookers to seek You. In Christ, Amen.

  15. Day 10

    Great is Thy Faithfulness! Guide their thoughts, lost in You, that they may know You more. That they may see Your greatness and Your majesty. To see more clearly their redemption and salvation in Christ. Grant them endurance and patience for their long journey. Help them to be steadfast in the Fruit of Your Spirit. Bless the Memorial Road Church for their hospitality. In Jesus, Amen.

  16. Day 11

    Glory be to You, God Most High! Refresh these travelers -- mind, body, and spirit. Make them ever alive to the stirrings of Your Holy Spirit. May they cling to those things that grew their faith on this journey. And long after they return home and their memories begin to fade, help them to recall those things that brought them near to You. Lead them safely home and unto life everlasting.

  17. Thanks be to God for the abundance of His blessings! I'm grateful for JD, Kenneth, Stephanie, Karen, Anna, Kelechi and their supportive families. May God be praised both now and forevermore!
