Wednesday, June 30, 2010

Day 1 - Little Rock!

Little Rock, Arkansas

So we get to little rock at the church and they start feeding us immediately with chicken tenders, green beans, macaroni, and rolls. It was really good, their church was huge its teen center was twice as big as burnt hickory’s. They had foosball tables, and pool tables, and a full basketball gym. They were so nice just the fact of them not even knowing us and that they trusted us to stay in their church all by ourselves. It would be really hard for me just to trust someone that fast. They set an example for everyone on this trip and ill never forget what they did.

- Zach Durden

The Journey Begins

Everything seems ready to go...

The checklist is covered with ink, notes to self and don't-forget's. The bus is clean, fueled, the air-conditioning checked. Maps are current, all directions printed out... I guess we're ready!

The real question, however, is "ready for what?"

After months of planning, we are heading West! Twenty-three sojourners, stuffed into a bus, ready to roll up their sleeves for the sake of loving another culture! And though we travel to a destination - the Navajo Reservation - we have decided to not live to the destination, but rather in the destination. Opportunities abound all around us, chances to share our love for a broken world. Will we seize those opportunities? Or let them slide right past us?

Pray for us! Pray that we travel safe, travel well... but pray that we open our eyes to this world - whether it be the Navajo nation or the people we meet along the way. Pray that we learn to love each other, that we not just tolerate each other but eventually rejoice in our differences!

We will try to maintain this blog on a daily basis, as our journey takes us along the southern stretch of united States, from Marietta, Georgia to Dilkon, Arizona!

Keep watching, reading, praying!

God bless...
